It’s been a while since we had an update, but we have some very exciting news to share today…
There is a national festival held annually in Kansas City that attracts a who’s-who in the audio drama, podcast, and audio book worlds called HEAR Now: The Audio Fiction and Arts Festival. It’s like a film festival, except that it only focuses on audio.
We are thrilled to announce that our audio short story “Harkness Road” by Eric Scoles and beautifully read by Jeff Moon has been selected to be featured in the podcast portion of the festival at the Gold level. That ranking means that the Festival’s panel of judges agreed this work was among the best submitted this year.
There’s more, too: Our audio drama “Take It or Weave It”, by Meredith Powell Carroll and Ted Wenskus, has been selected to be presented at the festival itself at one of only a handful of live listening sessions.
None of this would have been possible without the time, effort, and talent of everyone involved in these projects, particularly Meredith Powell Carroll, Jeff Moon, Eric Scoles, Karen Craft, Corrie Spike Carter, Ron Dufort, R. Emmett Michie, and Jack Simel.
We have an abundance of talent in Rochester and it’s going to be great to share it with a wider audience. Updates to come!
In the meantime, check out the festival website for events, happenings, and other audio goodness: