Gary A. Mitchell still remembers his first pencil. It was red and the size of a log. It left dents in his fingers and taught him the first lesson of authorship–all writing is pain. Undiscouraged, he graduated to pens and keyboards. Along the way he spent four interesting years at West Point and served in the US Army. Life lessons and kids later, he moved to Rochester, New York and fell in with a crowd of remarkable people. They critiqued his work, encouraged him, and helped him become a better writer. After being published in regional anthologies and Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, he expanded his medium to the world of e-books as part of an anthology (The Muse’s Hand). He intends to build a large catalog of work that he hopes will find some measure of acceptance. His primary genres are fantasy, science fiction, and historical non-fiction. But then, he was never much for coloring inside the lines so who knows what will fall out of his imagination and make its way into the real world?